The American Chamber of Commerce in Mauritius (AmCham Mauritius) and the American Chamber of Commerce in Nepal (AmCham Nepal) have signed a cooperation agreement aimed at encouraging American investment in their respective countries. Mr Nirmal Kaji Shrestha, President of AmCham Nepal, and Mr Ravin Lama, President of AmCham Mauritius, signed the letter of cooperation at an official ceremony held at the AmCham Nepal offices in Kathmandu. The event was graced by the presence of the founding president of AmCham Nepal, Mr Ajit Bikram Shah, as well as prominent members of the executive board, including Mr Aakash Golchha, Mr Manish Thapa and Mr Samratha Mogha.

The aim of this strategic partnership is to stimulate US investment in Nepal and Mauritius, while opening up new opportunities for Nepalese and Mauritian companies in the US market. This agreement will pave the way for a strategic partnership that will allow the two organisations to pool their strengths, experience, technologies, methodologies and resources to carry out initiatives that meet their common objectives, in particular to facilitate the expansion of American companies wishing to set up in Mauritius and Nepal. Investors from each nation will be able to explore business integration opportunities and invite each other to their respective countries to showcase their business models.
AmCham Nepal is a platform to promote strong bilateral trade between the United States and Nepal. AmCham Nepal creates a favorable investment climate, strong pro-innovation Nepal policies, and fosters shared growth and prosperity for U.S. investment in Nepal.

Increase investment by US companies in both countries.

Similarly, AmCham Mauritius is a non-profit organisation registered under the Registration of Association. It acts as an intermediary between Mauritius and the United States, facilitating partnerships and trade for both countries. AmCham Mauritius provides its members with strong business links for expanded business and cultural opportunities.
Discussions at the event focused on enhancing US investment through joint efforts to attract and increase US business investment in both countries. Collaborative innovation, promoting innovation, strengthening the business environment through best practices and strategic actions, and mutual growth through participation in business-to-business activities that foster integration and cooperation were also discussed at the meeting.

The session concluded with the sharing of AmCham Mauritius’ Business Climate Index (ABCI) and AmCham Nepal’s annual report. Together, we are paving the way for a prosperous future, rich in opportunities and cross-border collaborations.