Madagascar’s President Andry Rajoe¬lina recently announced a nationwide tour to raise awareness of contraceptive use. The campaign coincides with the approval by the Council of Ministers of a plan to promote family planning over the next four years.

The aim is ambitious: to double the number of contraceptive users in order to reduce the fertility rate and, consequently, the poverty rate, reports RFI.
This initiative is generally welcomed by NGOs. Médecins du Monde, for example, takes a positive view of the campaign. Charlotte Berthier, the organisation’s representative in Madagascar, points out: “We are delighted that the subject of contraception is a priority and is being taken to the highest level of government. However, she insists on the need to translate these intentions into concrete action on the ground, particularly in rural areas where access to contraceptives remains limited. To ensure the success of this campaign, it is crucial that contraceptives are effectively available free of charge in Basic Health Centres (BHCs), in line with the Ministry of Health’s policy.