The company developed by Patrick Verny in Cambaie, in the west of the island, in 2005 has enjoyed a remarkable rise. While the initial activity consisted of selling and hiring waste compacting machines to local industrialists, the tonnage generated by the many machines installed gave rise to the idea of recycling this waste, which until then had been mixed with waste destined for landfill.

In picture :
Photo: Patrick Verny, Managing Director AC2V SERVICES and Bruno Pouillat, Operations Manager.

The idea was to reverse the procedure, which consisted of burying this waste in landfill sites approved (at great expense) by companies that produce plastic, cardboard and paper waste. ‘We proposed recovering these tonnages by giving them a monetary value. Over the past 20 years, we have recovered around 5,000 tonnes a year. For us, this waste is a raw material that we recycle in several stages,’ explains Patrick, who is passionate about his business, which is a fine example of the circular economy. The first stage in this process was to invest in a range of equipment, including a powerful horizontal baler, which enables the waste to be compacted to international standards and then exported. Stage two: the opening of AC2V Services, a company dedicated to recovering and recycling wooden pallets, which are then reconditioned and put back on the market, as well as processing coloured pallets. Stage three: raising funds in 2013 to invest in a range of waste recovery equipment on a 3,200 m2 plot of land in Cambaie (tax exempt under the Girardin law).
Today, Patrick Verny and his teams are embarking on a new phase with the development of innovative services such as the launch, with Destruck, of the first mobile archive destruction truck to meet the requirements of DPOs in relation to RGPD standards, and the launch of an intelligent PET bottle deposit system with remuneration for contributors using B-Bot machines.
Stay tuned for our special issue on the 17 SDGs, to be published in September….