The SEDD will take place from 18 September to 8 October 2024. Registration is now open. Are you a local authority, an association, a school, a company or a group of citizens? Would you like to get involved in sustainable development initiatives? Register your event today to give it Europe-wide visibility…

The European Week for Sustainable Development (EWSSD) is a key event organised every year to promote action for a responsible and sustainable future. Its main aim is to raise public awareness of the 17 SDGs of the 2030 Agenda, which aim to eradicate poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all by 2030.

Everyone involved – associations, businesses, the general public, schools, etc. – is invited to organise and share activities during this key period. All formats are possible: exhibitions, conferences, debates, film screenings, workshops, visits, etc.

This year, the sustainable development goals (SDGs) of the Agenda 2030 are at the heart of the issues at stake during the European Week for Sustainable Development:

Project registration is open to all areas of sustainable development, with the aim of mobilising as many economic, social and environmental players as possible to implement projects that meet the principles of sustainable development.

The SEDD 2024 will showcase the 17 SDGs of the Agenda 2030. It aims to raise awareness and encourage concrete commitments in line with the challenges facing the region, without any particular theme, giving free rein to all sustainable development initiatives through a variety of events.

How can you get involved?

Design and organise your event,
Register it on the dedicated space,
Publicise your event on:

Take advantage of the SEDD’s high profile to encourage participants to come out in force to discover and adopt new ways of living that are fairer and more sustainable!